
Vampires Sucking You Dry?

Vampires do exist, but not in the creepy Lost Boys or lovey-dovey Twilight way. You have probably even encountered one or a few. Pull out your wooden stakes and garlic, it’s time to protect yourself from the vampires. These are people who bring you down and suck the life from you.  They are NEVER satisfied, NEVER positive and NEVER stop complaining.  They leave you tired, weary and unhappy. Do you know someone like this? Even worse, are you someone like this?

Here are vampire characteristics:

  • Unrelentingly negative. Their negative energy appears continuous. They’ll suck you dry.
  • “It’s all about me.”  These are the folks that think of no one but themselves.  Reading this, they would have no idea that this was about them.  Cue Carly Simon’s “Your So Vain.”
  • Make mountains out of molehills. These drama queens can turn a broken nail into a Shakespearean tragedy. Really…it’s can’t be that bad, can it?
  • Complain constantly. Nothing or no one is EVER good enough.
  • Debbie Downers. They render a room dark in minutes. Half empty folks.
  • “Not me!” Blame everyone else for their problems. It is NEVER their fault.
  • “Woe is Me.” They are always the victim, and the world is always against them.  They can recount every horrible event since they were a child.

Tell them.  Kill them with kindness. Laugh. Create boundaries. Sadly, some you may have to disconnect from them altogether. Surround yourself with happy, shiny people like yourself.  Maybe the blinding light will melt those life suckers.

Wife. Mom. Editor. Host. Speaker. Culinary Explorer. Fashionista. Altruist. Persuader. Coffee Aficionado. Arachnophobic.

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