Say NO to GMOs! #MarchAgainstMonsanto on May 25!
On May 25, 2013, it is time to protect and “March Against Monsanto.” There are rallies planned all across the world, and they will start simultaneously at 11AM PST. You can find out where in your area here. By marching, we are calling out the practices of agri-business giant Monsanto.
Monsanto has come under fire for its production of genetically modified seeds, engineered to be pest-resistant, herbicide-resistant or to boost nutrition. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have raised questions about their effect on allergies and antibiotics resistance, and are being fingered as a factor in the wipe-out of the world’s bee population.
In March, the U.S. Congress and president ignored a grass-roots campaign and passed a bill with a controversial provision that bans courts from halting the sale of Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds and protects Monsanto from lawsuits. This issue is nonpartisan and a basic human right. Stop messing with our food!
Rather than going around being mad and complaining with your friends, it is time to act and march! If you live in Dallas, Valerie of Charmed Valerie, Jenny of Conscientious Confusion and I will be on the steps of City Hall at 1PM. Will we see you there?
- Voting with your dollar; buy local at grocery stores and farmers markets.
- Contact your elected officials to let them know you want the relevant portions of the “Monsanto Protection Act” repealed, that you demand all GMO/GE food stuff be labeled and that you insist on further scientific research regarding the health effects of GMOs/GEs.
- Boycott brands that blocked your right to know. Sign the petition here.
- Continue holding Monsanto-supporting politicians and food stuff producers accountable through direct communication, purchasing power, grassroots journalism and socialmedia.
- We will not stand for cronyism. We will not stand for poison. That’s why we March Against Monsanto!