FCA Coaches Appreciation & Leadership Dinner
Come enjoy the third annual Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Coaches Appreciation and Leadership Dinner on Monday, November 14 from 6:30 PM – 9 PM at Prestonwood Church in Plano. It will feature speaker Jon Kitna and musical guest Brent Lamb.
Kitna is known for being outspoken about his faith. He has said that “When you don’t have a lot of success, as a Christian you really start to learn God’s character and how much He really loves you. And then you become grounded and rooted. Then when we have the success that I think God is bringing our way, we already have a solid foundation.”
This evening was created as a way to say thank all coaches in the Dallas area who volunteer valuable time to partner with FCA through our huddle ministry and various student-oriented events throughout the year. Awards will be presented to honor coaches in the community who have shown outstanding service and leadership.
Tickets are currently available UNTIL this Wednesday, November 9, for purchase here, beginning at $125 for an individual or $1,000 for a table of 8. All proceeds from this event will be supporting the ministry of the Greater Dallas FCA as well as helping thank the wonderful coaches and their spouses.