5 Things to Remember When Becoming An Expat
At some point or another, almost everyone has fantasized about packing up and spending some time in another country. Maybe you’ve got the itch to live in a different climate, to try different foods or to become bilingual. Whatever the reason, if you’ve decided you’re ready to give things a try in another country, here’s some things you should remember. 1. Remember to keep your expectations realistic. If you need help in finding “reality” in your new situation, ask your boss or other associates who have been lived here for a while. 2. Everyone is different in how they deal with jet-lag and in how long it takes them to…
Holiday in Scottsdale Where the Weather is Delightful
Did you know that Irving Berlin penned his legendary holiday tune, “White Christmas,” poolside in sunny Arizona? As the holiday season draws near, take a cue from Berlin and start planning your escape from the mounds of snow and freezing temperatures. Trade in your shovel for a golf club and your parka for a light sweater. Spend Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year’s in Scottsdale, where temperatures average 68 degrees and sunshine is plentiful during the winter months. STOCKING STUFFER The Scottsdale Convention & Visitors Bureau hopes to gift one lucky winner a trip to Scottsdale as a part of its annual holiday campaign. The prize package includes roundtrip airfare for two, a…
Take Precautions Online So You Can Relax on Vacations
Travelers often worry about flight delays, bad weather and disappointing accommodations when thinking about the factors that could ruin a vacation. However, the lack of secure Internet access revealing social media posts and haphazard habits online can wreak havoc lasting long after beach tans fade away. PrivateGiant CEO and security expert Shaun Murphy has created a series of tips travelers can use to help keep their personal information and private files safe while away from home. Prep Before You Go Patch Up. Packing, printing airline tickets and organizing maps are not the only to-do list items that need to be tended to before a vacation begins. Check all devices staying…
A Day in the Life of an Expat Mom
My family recently moved overseas for work after six years of interviewing, searching and researching more about where in the world that would be best for my family. I have been writing for seven years, and this move is exposing me to new things and also learning how to write in a foreign setting. I have a 9-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old son, who attend the local national school because homeschooling is illegal in Montenegro. I have been married to my husband, Real Geek Dad, for 14 years, and we are learning life as he works from home. Pray for me! 😉 6:45AM My kids wake up. I usually hear…
Tourism of Thailand Unveils Wildlife Volunteer DreamJob
For anyone who has ever dreamed of traveling the globe and experiencing life-changing events, they can now take advantage of the dream experience that the Tourism Authority of Thailand is offering in partnership with DreamJobbing. DreamJobbing.com, a new online destination for the coolest jobs and experiences on the planet, announced the latest addition to the platform: a one-of-a-kind opportunity to serve as a wildlife volunteer, aiding with Asian elephant conservation efforts in Thailand. The DreamJob listing is the direct result of a partnership between DreamJobbing and the Tourism Authority of Thailand – Los Angeles office. DreamJobbing will fly the winning candidate out to Thailand where the winner will assist with…