Be Moved with Compassion to Stop Hunger
When will you get personal about hunger? God expects us to demonstrate an urgency to pray, to give and to minister on behalf of those who are hungry, offering nourishment for the body and soul.
Scripture recounts several instances, like the one recorded in Matthew 14:14, when Jesus saw a large crowd, was moved with compassion for them and took powerful action to meet their needs. The Greek word translated “compassion” refers to tender emotions, deeply felt feelings, or a deep churning in a person’s spirit. We might call it “gut wrenching.”
Bringing home the bacon from BGR on Vimeo.
That kind of compassion compels a response, and there are a few ways to get involved. Donate. Volunteer with organization like Minnie’s Food Pantry or North Texas Food Bank. Pray. Plan a world hunger awareness or fundraising event, such as:
1. Hunger Meal – An activity that will help you focus on the lifestyle of many in our world and on their daily struggle for food.
2. Progressive Hunger Meal – A creative way to illustrate how challenging it is to deal with struggles many people around the world experience each and every day, including that of having a simple meal.
3. Box Social – Revisit a common way, used in pioneer days, to raise funds for causes such as World Hunger.
Hunger crisis have not subsided. Nor has God’s love for hungry people diminished. In what way will you reach hungry people in the farthest reaches of the world, helping families survive disaster and famine, providing clean water, improving health and nutrition — and all along helping people discover how to have hope and purpose in life?