The Illusionists Bring Magic to Dallas Summer Musicals!
The Illusionists “Witness the Impossible” opened their show on Tuesday at the Music Hall in Fair Park with some eye popping acts. This world’s bestselling touring magic show is playing at Fair Park as part of DSM’s 75th Anniversary Season line up and is ready to amaze North Texas audiences.
First of all, this isn’t your parents’ Magic Show. It showcases the “magic” talents of seven of the most incredible illusionists in the world with acts that are futuristic, classic, and edgy. I took my 17 year son, Jared to the show to get his reaction to the show as a teenage boy. Jared loves comedy and admittedly has high standards for what he considers entertainment. He was thoroughly entertained and blown away by some of the magic tricks. His favorite Illusionist was “The Trickster”. As “The Trickster”, Jeff Hobson is the epitome of showmanship with his over the top comedy routine and impressive magic acts. Imagine a cross between Liberace and the funniest comedian you can imagine. He emcees and entertains the audience throughout the show. We are still laughing today about some of his funny comedy lines.
Jared’s next favorite act was “The Manipulator”. Yu Ho-Jin is from South Korea and is considered the rising superstar in the world of magic and was recently named the 2014 “Magician of the Year” by the Academy of Magical Arts. You cannot take your eyes off of him as he performs his card tricks. I know what you’re probably saying to yourself, “What’s new and fantastic about card tricks”? Well, you will have to see his act for yourself to understand it. He manipulates the cards in such a lyrical, fluid, and mystical manner that you are mesmerized from start to finish.Also entertaining was the young and very high energy Illusionist, “The Futurist”. Adam Trent who has been compared to the Justin Timberlake of Magic brings CGI into his magic act along with some very impressive card tricks and performance magic imagery.
There is also the “magic meets Goth” Illusionist “The Anti-Conjuror”, Dan Sperry. He combines magic with the macabre. Dan who apparently is one of the top 10 most Googled people in the world, starts out kind of creepy (very creepy actually) but has some very funny moments in his game of Russian Roulette/magic act with an audience member. He finishes his performance of the night with an incredibly mesmerizing magic act by conjuring up a whole menagerie of flying birds while wearing a Count Dracula like costume. How do these artists come up with these ideas?
There are some “classic magic” Illusionists in the show if that’s how you prefer your magic shows. “The Inventor” Kevin James, delivers some very innovative illusions and is well known and celebrated in the magic world for his tricks. Also “The Escapologist”, Andrew Basso performs his own Houdini version of escaping from the famous Water Torture Cell. You hold your breath along with him for the whole three minutes that he is underwater. And last but not least is the strong and silent Illusionist, “The Warrior”, Aaron Crow. He specializes in weaponry magic. Not speaking a word throughout his act he delivers probably the most dangerous act using swords, paintball guns, and crossbows.
Did I mention there is a lot of audience participation? It makes it fun but it can give you some anxiety if you’d rather not be on stage. Kids are asked to participate in several tricks and as we all know, most kids love being part of the act. The audience participation gives you the feeling that you are part of the magic. FYI – The Magicians don’t force anyone to participate and there are always willing volunteers, so don’t stay away based on that!
Our family’s final review? There is something in the show for everyone, young and old. My husband thought parts of it were very funny (he loved “The Trickster” Illusionist too) and is still trying to figure out how they accomplished most of the tricks, my 17 year old was thoroughly entertained from start to finish, and I thought the show was very entertaining and high energy throughout. We give “The Illusionists” six thumbs up!
“The Illusionists” Witness the Impossible is at Fair Park from April 7-19, 2015.
For Tickets go to: http://www.dallassummermusicals.org/shows_illusionists.shtm