Warm Citrus Bake
Warm Citrus Bake with Brown Sugar
This is a great dish to get your kids in the kitchen! My daughter at first said that she didn’t like grapefruit. That was until she made this dish and tasted it. Now, I have a Texas grapefruit fan. 🙂
2 Rio Star Grapefruit, sectioned
2 Texas Oranges, sectioned
1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 Tbsp butter, softened
In a medium bowl, combine grapefruits, oranges and pineapple. Transfer to a 1-quart broiler-safe casserole dish or ramekins. In a small bowl, mix brown sugar and butter; sprinkle over fruit. Broil 4-inches from heat for 5 to 6 minutes until sugar is bubbly and fruit is warmed. Serve warm.