Our 2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Picks
I have been homeschooling my oldest for a couple of years, and I have learned which curriculums work for our family. We will have “structured” class Monday through Thursday with Friday open for “Life Lessons” and exploration.
Want to know what our curriculum plans are for the year? I’m sharing our 2nd grade homeschool curriculum picks!
Language Arts
Spell to Write and Read
Rummy Roots
Institute of Excellence in Writing
Reading and Literature
Reading and literature is definitely an area where we have so much freedom as homeschoolers, and I plan on fully embracing it this year. We’ll be using Honey for a Child’s Heart for our literature journey, and I will be sure to keep you posted on our reading and activities!
We have used MathUSee for lower grade levels. It is a great curriculum, especially for the child that is visual and loved tactile learning. But, this year we are trying Singapore Math. It’s comprehensive and gives a solid foundation in math.
I cannot say enough great things about Apologia. We love their science curriculum and will be working our way through Exploring Creation with Astronomy and Exploring Creation with Botany.
Social Studies
We will be studying US History.
PE, Art, Music & Other Electives
Local gym studios and private lessons will round out our electives.
What are you most excited about this school year?

I’m so interested in this, especially if you have any faith-based recommendations as we’re about to transition from a private christian school to a STEM school. I want to supplement my daughter’s classroom learning with at home bible studies. Where do you buy your books? And what did you use for 1st grade (overall, not just faith based)?
Sure! I fave a few suggestions. One being that Singapore Math has a workbook called “Extra Practice.” They divide the books by grade and A/B semesters. My handwriting books also teach the kids verse work. I buy a lot of my material from Christian Book Distributors (cbd.com). There are also books like New England Primer (1777 edition), Rod & Staff and Pathway Readers that help kids in their reading but also have some Christian undertones. I hope this helps! 🙂