
How to Delegate Duties So You Can Have ME Time

ME is a foreign word to us, moms. It is in our nature to put everyone’s needs ahead of our own, but that leaves us cranky and depleted. The reality is that we aren’t doing anyone any favors by not putting ourselves first every now and then. In fact, doing that helps us be better moms, wives, employees, etc. As with anything, it’s always easier said than done. I’ve come up with a few ways you can start making time for yourself right away.
MamaMEa First, you must DECIDE that you deserve some time to yourself each day. Stop feeling guilty about taking time out just for you. When you are tired and stressed out, you aren’t giving your best, so think of it as a win-win situation for everyone. Schedule in your “me” time at the beginning of the week. Make yourself a priority and stick to it.

THINK about what “me” looks like. Sometimes, we get a few moments to ourselves and it feels so weird, we aren’t sure what to do with it. Consider the things that make you feel relaxed, rejuvenated and happy. Refer back to these things when you start scheduling your “me” time. Think about what things that can be eliminated in your schedule. Maybe it’s Facebook, Pinterest or constantly checking email. If you look, you can probably find a good 20 minutes of wasted time in there somewhere.

DELEGATE chores better. Let everyone know that you intend to start making time for yourself and you will need their help. This is a good lesson for everyone. Of course all these things depend on the ages and cooperation of your family, but the kitchen is an excellent place to start asking for help! Let everyone plan (and cook depending on age) one meal a week. Remember your goal is to not only take a load off and give your family a happier mom, but to teach your crew how to lend a helping hand and be sufficient in the kitchen.

CREATE a daily ritual that consists of quiet, peaceful time. Maybe it’s an afternoon coffee break while everyone gets kicked outside or a morning walk before everyone wakes up. Pick something and make it a habit. Consider it as important as brushing your teeth – it actually is! You will be amazed at how a little bit of time to yourself can make a huge difference in your health and your happiness.

Wife. Mom. Editor. Host. Speaker. Culinary Explorer. Fashionista. Altruist. Persuader. Coffee Aficionado. Arachnophobic.

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