Gift Ideas for the SuperDad!
Last night, I was honored by Klout to be able to see the LIVE Premiere of Man of Steel followed by a screening of the movie. Warner Bros chose a perfect time to release Man of Steel, on Father’s Day weekend. TAKE YOUR SUPERDAD TO THIS MOVIE! Superman is no longer just about truth, justice and the American way. Here, he is the embodiment of every father’s belief in the infinite value of their children, and how they can strive to be the best version of themselves with or without the red cape.
Just as Producer Christopher Nolan did with Batman, 300’s Zack Snyder presides over a creation myth: Superman is sent into space by his self-sacrificing father, played by Russell Crowe, and thus escapes the environmental cataclysm that destroys his home planet Krypton.
Clark Kent, played by Brit Henry Cavill, drifts from job to job, trying to keep quiet his awesome powers out of respect for his adoptive father, played by Kevin Costner, who believes will make him a target for hate and feared for his gifts. It is also this father who sees with hope what bright future is in store for Clark and pushes him to sacrifice everything for his son.
With fathers like that, any child can be, well, super! If the superdad wants to continue enjoying the DC Comic character, add the Injustice: Gods Among Us to your dad’s giftbag if he is a gamer or download the FREE Injustice iOS.
Injustice iOS is not a full fighting game experience as the home console version. But, if you don’t mind tapping a lot, beating up a bunch of dudes on the go, this app can be pretty fun. While Injustice iOS technically is a fighting game, it features auto-movement that essentially makes it a Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots simulator. 😉 As mindless as it is, Injustice iOS is a very easy way to get reacquainted with your favorite DC Comics characters, like Superman. You really can’t go wrong with at least trying out this FREE game.
This post is part of a promotion with FamilySearch.