Drybar (Dallas’ First Blow Dry Bar) Is Coming Soon!
My hair has experienced this magic miles away in L.A., but I was disappointed that there was not a place like that here, even though local salons are adding blow dry options to their menu. I love blowouts, especially for moms when we need a pampering to remember that we ARE beautiful women under all these other hats we wear.
Let me explain this salon concept. Drybar is a hair salon that specializes solely in washing and blowing out hair. They offer a variety of blowouts such as the Mai Tai, which is messy & beachy; the Manhattan which is sleek & straight; and the Southern Comfort which provides lots of volume & soft curls.
You can buy these blowouts in a package or purchase just one for $35. They also offer add-ons like floaters (scalp massages) and hair shots (moisturizing hair treatments).
(Photos from Drybar)
Drybar is opening February 2011 at 4222 Oaklawn Ave, Dallas. To learn more about Drybar, click here.

Oh So Cynthia
Great minds think alike! How funny that we both blogged about the same place on the same day. We need to go have a girly-glamor day when it opens!
My name is Shannon Williams and I am opening Drybar. Thank you so much for writing about us!! We cannot wait to see you all. If anyone has any questions my email is swilliams@thedrybar.com. We have found some amazing stylists!!!!
Shannon, Dallas cannot wait to have a drybar! 🙂
I hear there’s a lot of turnover there already. I was in there last week getting a cosmo and chitty chatting and my girl was talking about how tense the atmosphere was because people keep getting fired left and right for stupid reasons. It sounds like they don’t have much experience running a place yet. She even said that one of the owners is a lawyer who thinks he knows how to run a business and makes hiring/firing decisions!!! My girl is looking at another place to go that’s more stable. I don’t want to go somewhere where I won’t see the same person each time. So, I’m going to one of the other places that has a dry bar or maybe wherever my stylist goes.
I am very sorry to hear that you have heard we have had a lot of turnover. That is simply not true. We have had very few employees leave us since we opened. We have lots of return customers that request and see the same stylists all of the time. I would love for you to give us another chance. I can be reached by email or phone anytime and would love to speak with you.
Thank You,
Owner of Drybar Dallas
(214) 735-4944