Jennifer, mom, writer, social media influencer and Montenegrin resident, is the founder of She is considered one of the top female digital influencers in today’s social media space. Her lifestyle brand helps busy women stay on top of the latest trends in food, style, travel and family.
Social Media Stats:
Twitter: @RealPoshMom 7,000+
Facebook: @RealPoshMom 1,200+
Pinterest: @RealPoshMom 1,200+
Instagram: @RealPoshMom 1,400+
Google+ Personal Profile: 1,800+
Interested in learning more or working together? I’d love to hear from you! Here’s how you can get in touch with me:
- Send me an email: real posh mom {at} g mail {dot} com
- Link up with me on LinkedIn
- Tweet me: @RealPoshMom
Advertising, also known as “Jennifer,” accepts various forms of advertising, including sidebar advertisements, sponsored posts & tweets (which will be identified as such) and conference sponsorships.
If you would like to guarantee that Jennifer talks about your product or service, you may sponsor a post. Please note that for Jennifer to accept a sponsored post for, the subject has to be one of interest to Jennifer and appropriate for The only differences between a regular post and a sponsored post are 1) sponsoring a post may prompt Jennifer to write about a subject or product she might not have found the time to write about otherwise, and 2) Jennifer will give the sponsor a look at the post to ensure accuracy before it is published. Jennifer will not, under any circumstances, publish someone else’s opinion on masked as her own. If Jennifer does not feel that she can write truthfully and enthusiastically about a product in a way that will be worthwhile for the sponsor, she will make this clear before anything is written or payment is made. Please contact real posh mom {at} g mail {dot} com.
Sponsorships is actively seeking sponsorships for conferences and get-togethers. These sponsorships can be tailored to the sponsor’s needs and can include campaigns at the sponsored events, sponsored posts & tweets and ads. Please contact real posh mom {at} g mail {dot} com for more information.
Reviews & Giveaways
Jennifer reviews and gives away a wide range of products. You can see an example of a typical product review here and a typical giveaway here. Jennifer does not send back review items. If she continues to use an item after the initial review, there may be a follow-up review. Jennifer does not review all of the products sent to her. Sending her a product does not guarantee a review or mention, unless agreed upon beforehand. If Jennifer does choose to review a product, the review will be Jennifer’s honest opinion, positive or not. Jennifer has no interest in embarrassing products or companies and will strive to take into account the product or service’s target audience and other factors before posting a negative review. If there is something wrong or irregular about the product, Jennifer will give the company a chance to make things right before posting a review. If you would like Jennifer to consider an item for review, please email her at real posh mom {at} g mail {dot} com for her address.
Parties, Events and Trips
Jennifer is happy to attend events and retreats showcasing products and services, as her interests and schedule will allow. Please send invitations to real posh mom {at} g mail {dot} com. For out-of-town events, please note that in addition to the commonly-covered travel expenses, Jennifer will usually require her home-city travel expenses (to and from airport).
Please understand that while you may think that your request is simple and easy and not a big deal, yours is not the only request that Jennifer will get that day, or even that hour. Therefore, Jennifer simply has to restrict her writing to subjects that interest her, even with paid opportunities. It is not necessarily a reflection on your product.