Entertainment,  Homeschool

Netflix and Amazon Instant Video Enhances Homeschooling

HomeschoolVideosRemember those days when your teacher pulled out the projector to show old science or social studies films to enhance your knowledge about a subject. Fast forward to the 21st century school, where we no longer use projectors, VHS or even DVDs. We stream all our entertainment though companies like Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Hulu+, etc. The homeschool classroom is not different. To enhance my kids knowledge, I was so glad to discover Netflix and Amazon offer a plethora of shows on the subjects that I am currently teaching – Astronomy and Africa.

Videos bring fun to your school day and a beak for you from teaching! Netflix and Amazon Instant Video are worth a look to see what they have that might interest you. This is not an exhaustive list of what they have available, of course. You have to visit Netflix and Amazon Instant Video to see more for yourself.

Wife. Mom. Editor. Host. Speaker. Culinary Explorer. Fashionista. Altruist. Persuader. Coffee Aficionado. Arachnophobic.

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