
I’m Just Not Ready for Summer to End (and for Senior Year to Begin)

Summer don't end

I’m really not ready for this summer to end.  It’s not just because I love summer.  I do love our summer vacations (read my article about the importance of Family Summer Vacations on this blog) and I have always loved having my kids at home all summer.  I love the freedom of sleeping in, going to movies on weeknights, staying up late, etc.  But this summer I don’t want it to end even more than ever because I know once the summer break ends my sons’ last year of high school starts.


I have twin sons, Jack and Jared and their senior year starts next week.  I am pretty sure that it’s going to be the best year they have ever had.  Both boys are involved in lots of wonderful and amazing activities at school and they are really looking forward to their senior year.  They are more than ready for it but quite honestly I’m just not.  It makes it even harder having two children who will end their high school career at the same time.  I don’t get the luxury of easing into the empty nest world like mother of multiple children do.  (Although several  moms have told me that it really doesn’t get that much easier with each child, sorry.)

Cruise Jack and Jared 2015

The upcoming year is going to be hard for me as a mother because it’s going to be a series of lasts.   It’s going to be their last high school homecoming dance, football season, cross country meets, theater plays, and the multitude of church youth activities that we have been such a big part of.  It’s going to be my last year to make them breakfast and send them go to off to school every morning with a hug and a kiss and it’s going to be the last year that I get to see them every night and hear about their day.  (Ok, let’s get real here; I have boys so I don’t really hear that much about their day – boy moms I know you understand).


I will be checking off all these lasts mentally throughout the year and I will be taking even more photos if that’s possible and I’m sorry guys but you will just have to deal with it.  I’m not going to complain about making lunches this year or how much you procrastinate on doing your homework, I promise.  I’m going to attend every high school event and happening so that I don’t miss ANYTHING, because I know this is it.  I don’t get to do this again.

I understand that after high school that they will be back for summer and holiday breaks but I also get that it will never be the same.  They will come back as young adults, more independent, and more removed from our world.  I know that I will survive and it will still be great but it will be different.  They will still be my boys and we will still love each other to the moon and back.

If I look forward to a year from now when they leave for college I admit that it is also kind of exciting to know that we will begin a series of firsts.  My husband and I will be moving them into their dorms, attending parent weekends, college football games, etc.  But in the meantime, several friends have told me to cherish every moment of their senior year because it goes by so fast.  I assure you that I will.  #motherofseniors #cryingthewholeyear #proudmom #can’twaittoseewhattheydo

Jackie and Jack Beach Final

I will be writing about Jack and Jared’s senior year throughout the upcoming year!  I hope that it might help in some small way other moms or dads who are taking the same journey now or in the near future.  Stay tuned!

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