Kitchen Tips

  • Food & Drink,  Kitchen Tips,  Recipes

    Healthy Breakfast for $2 or Less

    Would you like tasty recipes that are easy on the wallet and the waistline? Me, too! When I recently stumbled across these hearty healthy recipes that match my family’s needs and my pantry’s contents, I was thrilled. Mighty Bowls of Goodness, tasty recipe suggestions from our Whole Food Market’s Health Starts Here program, are filled with nutritious foods and cost less than $2 a bowl for breakfast. The recipe is easy: 1 part grain (such as quinoa, brown rice, rolled oats or millet) + 1 part heated liquid (move beyond water with almond milk, soy milk, hemp milk or coconut milk) + fresh or dried fruit (like apples, cranberries, bananas) +…

  • Kitchen Tips

    How to Choose Smart Menu Items

    Today was a hard day. It was the first day since I started Whole Food Market’s Health Starts Here 28-Day Challenge that I had to eat out, and man, it was quite a challenge. It was the first time that I saw the disgusting fat and additives put in our everyday menu items at restaurants. When I asked if they had any vegetables without it cooked in oil or butter, I received a blank look. It was today that I realized that, we, Americans, eat A LOT of processed foods. I know that I am not alone in this experience. I know there are those of you who are wanting to improve…

  • Kitchen Tips

    Batch Cooking Saves

    It’s hard to find the time to cook healthy meals when you’re balancing a household full of activities. For me to survive this 28-day challenge, I going to start the week by batch cooking and storing in grab-to-go containers. It will save me precious time and money. When you have already prepared meals in your freezer, getting dinner ready is as simple as throwing something in the slow-cooker in the morning before work, or popping it in the oven or microwave when you get home. Preparing food in bulk is extremely efficient. If it takes 15 minutes to prepare one meal, it only takes about 17 minutes to prepare eight…

  • Kitchen Tips

    28-Day Challenge

    Last night, I decided I need some change in my life – a challenge. I have joined Whole Foods Market’s Health Starts Here™28-Day Challenge. It should be noted that I have bi-yearly physical, and I am in good health. I enter this challenge not because a doctor said that I need it, but because I realize that I need to look at food in a new way for me and my family. I will follow Whole Foods Market’s four pillars of Health Starts Here™ for the entire month beginning Monday. WHOLE FOODS: Eat unprocessed foods and put an emphasis on local, seasonal and organic. (That means I will pick brown rice instead…

  • Kitchen Tips

    Tips on Carving a Pumpkin

    My family loves to eat pumpkins…in everything from soups to pies to breads. This year, we bought a pumpkin so that we could carve and make our favorite goodies. Here are few pumpkin carving tips from our family to yours. Choose large pumpkins that do not have bruises or moldy stems. Pumpkins with a lighter color tend to be softer and easier to carve. When cleaning the pumpkin, save the seeds.  Toasted pumpkin seeds make a healthy, tasty snack (Click here for recipe!). Use a large, heavy metal serving spoon or ice cream scoop to scrape the insides. Use a long serrated knife or a pumpkin-carving knife with teeth to…