Almost Sleepover Party
Beside Christmas and Easter, birthdays are my favorite time to have fun dreaming up great celebrations. Since my oldest’s last birthday, she has been begging for a sleepover birthday party, so we decided to host an “Almost Sleepover.” Here’s the wording on the invitation:
You are invited to an
Almost Sleepover Party
to celebrate
Posh Girl’s
6th Birthday
Posh Date
5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Posh Place
We started out with having everyone decorate white pillowcases with fabric markers.
While the pizza and mac-n-cheese baked, the girls made their own door handles. Then, we sang “Happy Birthday” and enjoyed cupcakes. After grabbing a fashionable ring pop, all the girls watched a movie, ate popcorn and had their nails painted. They giggled and screeched to their little hearts’ content. The guests were all picked up at 9:15 p.m.
It was a fun party!

Amy @ Pounds4Pennies
We did the same at my daughter’s first sleep over. We decorated pillow cases with fabric markers and they had a blast. We are doing 60’s theme this Saturday. We are making tie dye headbands!
Jennifer B
Amy, I LOVE it! How old is she turning? Will you be posted party details on your blog? LMK!